Hello Friends
We are happy to report that we have a good number of papers in preparation for the conference. But we do not as yet have a full schedule.
Also, we felt, after the 1st Conference, that a more varied schedule might be more entertaining and informative.
To this end, and with the collaboration of MDPI / JRFM, we are very happy to announce that we are de-coupling the presentation of papers for the conference from the submission of papers to JRFM.
The deadline for submission to the conference is Feb 15th. The JRFM deadline is now June 31st.
Papers, projects and posters that are strong contenders for publication or are of particular interest to the editors will be considered for presentation at the conference . Presentations made to conference will have the support of editors in preparing them where relevant to JRFM for publication.
If you have a TEA related project that you would like to propose for inclusion at TEA2, in any format (full paper, work in progress, poster or other format) please email it to