We are happy to announce that the paper review committee has 2 new additions and we are very happy to welcome;
Owen Vaughan of nChain
Jiahua Xu of UCL and ExponentialScience
as co-chairs of the review committee.
We want, also, to express our profound gratitude to
Dr Eva Porras who is retiring as the chair of the review committee
for her great contribution to making the first conference and the first journal special issue a success.
Dr. Owen Vaughan is Chief Science Officer of Teranode Group. He is currently working on new privacy-preserving communication protocols, universal blockchain assets, and designated technology. He is an advocate for public blockchain technology and has a passion for sustainable mining.
Jiahua is a Professor at UCL and a lead researcher at ExponentialScience with a focus on blockchain economics, finance and insurance. She is Associate Professor in Financial Computing at UCL, where she teaches Blockchain Technologies and Digital Finance. She serves as Programme Director of the MSc Emerging Digital Technologies under the UCL Computer Science Department, as well as Head of Science at Exponential Science. Dr. Xu teaches FinTech courses at various institutions, including Harvard Business School, EPFL, Imperial College London, London Business School, and London School of Economics and Political Science.